Weight (Fat) Loss

Are you ready to be confused and overwhelmed?  Losing fat is a highly emotional endeavor, yet we tend to approach it rationally.  Unfortunately this rarely works in the long run.  If you would like help with this; to be able to address your mental/emotional habits/needs, then feel to join us on the third Thursday of [...]

Weight (Fat) Loss 2018-04-18T22:39:28+00:00

Managing Stress

Stress is a common and normal experience for human beings.  In fact, there is an optimal level of stress that keeps us focused and improves performance, however too much is too much.  Common ways to manage stress include: exercise proper nutrition adequate rest & sleep From our professional offerings, we can add: regular chiropractic adjustments [...]

Managing Stress 2018-04-18T22:39:28+00:00