Stopping Seniors From Falling

Why wait until you fall?  Why not prevent it instead? Here is an article about the cost of seniors' falls.  We offer two programs specifically for falls prevention. One is an assessment of your risk factors for falling. The other is an exercise program for those with hip and/or knee arthritis. Phone us for more [...]

Stopping Seniors From Falling 2018-04-18T22:39:16+00:00

Back Pain? Who Are You Going To Call?

The answer is...a Chiropractor!  This is what do best.  Read on to learn more.    

Back Pain? Who Are You Going To Call? 2018-04-18T22:39:16+00:00

TCM Cupping Available in Muskoka

What is Cupping? Cupping is a type of therapy used in tradition Chinese medicine to stimulate energy flow and promote healing in the body. Special cups are placed on the skin and a vacuum seal is formed between the cup and skin. Most recently this type of therapy gained notoriety when gold medal swimmer Michael [...]

TCM Cupping Available in Muskoka 2018-04-18T22:39:27+00:00

Why Suffer During Menopause?

Too good to be true?  Don't all women have to suffer during menopause? Maybe not!  Read this article from Dr. Nina to learn more. Why suffer during Menopause? Hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, anxiety, vaginal dryness, low libido; these are just some of the many unpleasant side effects woman can experience undergoing menopause. What if [...]

Why Suffer During Menopause? 2018-04-18T22:39:27+00:00

Work Injury? Consider Chiropractic

If you have hurt yourself at work - back pain, shoulder pain, neck and many others - consider Chiropractic.  We can bill WSIB directly and focus and helping you feel better, heal and get back to work.  Give us a call if you have any questions.  Read this article to learn more about Chiropractic and [...]

Work Injury? Consider Chiropractic 2018-04-18T22:39:27+00:00

The Relationship of Food, Nutrients and Health

YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT? By Dr. Nina Lauffer, Naturopathic Doctor "You are what you eat." You have likely heard this phrase more than a few times, but have you thought about what it really means?   Why is good nutrition so fundamentally important for physical and mental well-being? Your food provides the building blocks for [...]

The Relationship of Food, Nutrients and Health 2016-10-31T21:49:16+00:00