Chiropractic Technology
- A chiropractic adjustment instrument called an Activator. This hand-held device is great for those who are cautious of manual manipulations and is a very precise tool for small areas of the spine and skeleton. (Click here to see a chiropractic adjustment instrument).
- A drop-table for effective adjusting of the spine while keeping the force on patients to a minimum. (Click here to see a drop table)
- A chiropractic table that lowers and raises patients. Great for the elderly and for those in a great deal of pain that prevents them from bending over or lying down. (Click here to see a chiropractic table),
- Electrotherapy therapies for the promotion of tissue healing in regards to strains, sprains and arthritis. (Click here to see examples of electrotherapy).
- Therapy Ultrasound examples can be seen by clicking here.
Our other technology relates to our cellular health and weight-loss nutrition programs. It is called a BIA and measures body composition such as fat and muscle. It is assesses one’s levels of water and the state of health of the cells and organs of the body. See an example of BIA by clicking here.