Less Anxiety…More Happiness

Patient – “Dr. Nick, I want to lose weight.”

Dr. Nick – “OK.  Tell me what you want more of.”

Patient – Puzzled look on their face.

Dr. Nick – “Yes, you want less body fat, but you want more of…”

Our brains need a goal, a focus, and a positive one is so much more fun.  If I running away from lion, I will run fast, with fear in my heart.  If I am running towards my family which I have not seen in 2 years, I will run fast, with love in my heart.  If I had the choice, I would choose love everytime!

And so Elke and I will be presenting a brand new workshop on achieving Less Anxiety with More Happiness.  Here are the details:

A Day of Clarity with Dr. Nick and Elke Scholz:
Hands-on applications and workshops to Reduce Anxiety

and Increase Happiness

Dr. Nick on Happiness

The Dilemma of Having a Happy Day vs Living for a Happy Life: How to bring resolution and negotiation to these often-opposing perspectives

Attaining Happiness via Exercise & Nutrition: How to turn the table on these Anxiety-producing pursuits and have them actually produce Happiness. No starving or sweating required!

Elke on Anxiety
Using the Resources: Utilizing 5 resources from her upcoming book Anxiety Warrior to reduce anxiety and create new habits for empowered living

Cost of the program is $55 and will include:
Snacks and light refreshments
Workbook from Elke
Coupon of Consultation with Dr. Nick
Please RSVP as participant space is limited

Sunday February 26th

9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
